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Each session has limited spots, make sure to reserve yours!

Networking Cocktail sponsored by PwC Luxembourg

As we bid farewell to three enriching afternoons at LSIW23, filled with captivating speakers and in-depth discussions on sustainable finance, we are thrilled to invite you to our Networking Cocktail—an opportunity to unwind, mingle, and reflect on the wealth of insights gained during the event.

This cocktail gathering promises to be a delightful soirée where you can:

🤝 Mix and Mingle: Connect with fellow attendees who share your passion for sustainable finance.

💡 Discuss and Reflect: Engage in conversations about the thought-provoking topics presented at LSIW23.

🌱 Explore Opportunities: Collaborate and brainstorm ideas for a more sustainable future.

Join us for an evening of conviviality, fine refreshments, and the chance to nurture the connections and ideas sparked by LSIW23. Let’s celebrate our shared commitment to shape a resilient world.

During the Networking Cocktail, a variety of dietary options, including vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free choices are offered. Additionally, we offer a selection of locally sourced food and beverages, with a focus on organic and fair trade products.

If you are signed up, we kindly request that individuals who are no longer able to attend the Networking Cocktail notify LuxFLAG at least three days in advance to minimize waste.

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