Members of the Microfinance Label Eligibility Committee (MFLEC)


Andreas Drossel

Andreas is a Partner at PwC Luxembourg with more than 17 years of experience in the Asset Management and Banking industry. He has developed a great expertise in both internal and external auditing of financial institutions. Over the last 10 years, his focus has been on impact investing (microfinance and SRI funds), providing audit and advisory services linked to microfinance investment vehicles. Among his other roles, Andreas represents PwC at the European Microfinance Platform in Luxembourg, a network of European organisations and individuals active in the microfinance/financial inclusion sector in developing countries. Sustainability, ecology and economic issues have become an indispensable part of our daily lives, for this reason Andreas has developed an extensive knowledge in these areas in the past years.

Andreas holds the qualification as certified public auditor in Germany (Wirtschaftsprüfer), Réviseur d’Entreprises and Expert-Comptable in Luxembourg. He disposes of a strong expertise in accounting for banks (IFRS, LuxGAAP, German GAAP) as well as of the International Standards on Auditing (ISA) and US GAAS.
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Annemarie Arens​

Annemarie Arens is financial services professional with a broad spectrum of international experience. She is a non-executive director, chairman and consultant to financial services funds and companies. Annemarie has worked mainly in Luxembourg carrying international responsibility across Europe. Since 2016 Annemarie has acted as director of Luxembourg management companies, alternative investment companies and UCITS companies. In past carrier she has managed business strategy and international developments as well as change management. Annemarie was the General Manager of LuxFLAG. The European Head of Sales and Relationship as well as European Head of Client Service Management at RBC Investor Services Bank with offices in eight different European countries. Annemarie was also a member of RBC Investor Services Bank Executive Committee in Luxembourg.

Annemarie started her professional career in the Financial Industry in 1985 working for Axa Insurance prior to joining Berenberg Bank in 1991. She joined BIL Fund Services in 1996 moving to LuxFLAG in 2014.
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Anne Bastin​

Anne Bastin is French and Luxembourgish and began her career in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 1995, working for investment companies such as Fidelity Investments and JP Morgan Fleming Asset Management.
After 5 years in the banking sector, she moved towards development cooperation and microfinance, notably inclusive finance in Africa in collaboration with SOS Faim, ADA/AMT then Lux-Development, which she did for more than 10 years. Before joining InFiNe in June 2022, Anne had been working for the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank Group as country officer, supporting economic growth through private sector financing in West Africa.

Having studied Political Science in France and completed a master’s degree in Microfinance in Italy, she has enjoyed working in a multicultural environment and speaks several languages including English, German, French, Italian, a little Wolof and Luxembourgish.
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Garvan Pieters

Garry Pieters is an ILA-certified, independent director with over 30 years of experience in the field of finance and asset management. In early 2010 he joined The Directors’ Office as a Partner and has several mandates as an independent director and/or conducting officer for a number of Luxembourg funds and management companies. He began his career in commodities, foreign exchange and money-markets trading at Commerzbank, after which he became a portfolio manager of fixed income and money market funds at (what became) ING. He spent a total of 22 years with ING, becoming the general manager of ING Investment Luxembourg in 1994 and in late 1999 he set up an asset management joint-venture for ING in Singapore where he was Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer. In 2002 he became the Executive Vice President at the ING asset management joint-venture in South Korea. In 2006 he became responsible for business development of ING’s Fiduciary Pension Services in the Hague.
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Hannah Siedek

Hannah Siedek is a Senior Investment Officer with 20 years experience in microfinance strategy and operations, and technology-enabled delivery models. She joined the European Investment Bank (EIB) in Luxembourg in October 2015 and has since financed microfinance service providers in the ACP region.
Her career started at CGAP/The World Bank where she acquired experience and knowledge in a range of different challenges facing the access to finance industry. During her 3 years with the CGAP Paris office, she was deeply involved in the aid effectiveness initiatives of the donor consortium. When moving to CGAP Washington DC in 2005, she joined the newly created Technology Programme and focused on designing projects for alternative delivery channels, including mobile banking- and agent banking services in Latinamerica.
To complement her World Bank experience, Hannah joined ProCredit Holding AG in 2008 and became the Managing Director of ProCredit Bank Congo, DRC and an executive member on the bank’s Board of Directors. During the three years with ProCredit, she oversaw the organizational restructuring of the bank to enable its regional and national expansion, she managed the introduction of SME loans, grew the branch network from 6 to 17 branches with a first time expansion into regions outside the capital city, and helped grow staff numbers to 500.

Hannah holds degrees in Bank Financial Management and Development Finance, a European Master (MSc.) in Management from ESCP-EAP, France and City University, UK, and a Bachelor Degree in Economics from Bayreuth University, Germany. She is fluent in English, German, French and Spanish.
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Jean-Luc Neyens​

Jean-Luc Neyens is Managing Director of Link Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) S.A. He has more than 35 years of experience in fund management, product management and business development in Luxembourg, London and Hong Kong. He began his career in fund management at Kredietrust Luxembourg where he spent a total of 15 years. After joining Banque Degroof where he spent 12 years, he became Managing Director at their Super ManCo and later on the founding Chairman of their Hong Kong subsidiary. He has extensive experience as a board member of various Luxembourg, Irish, French, Maltese and Hong Kong investment funds and companies, and sat on the board of the microfinance investment vehicle of a large Italian institution.

Jean-Luc holds a BA in Marketing and a Master degree in Economic and Social Policy from Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), where he published his dissertation on MIVs transparency and the role of the Luxembourg financial centre. More recently, he obtained his post-Master Certificate in International Relations and Conflict Analysis (CECRI-UCL).
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Louis de Muyser

Mr Louis de Muyser works as a desk officer at the Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs within the Luxembourgish Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. He focuses on evaluating evidence, strategizing, and effectively supervising programs in the areas of financial inclusion, and development. He joined the Luxembourg Development Cooperation in March 2022 and specializes in inclusive & innovative finance.

Mr Louis de Muyser is a qualified economist and holds a Master degree from the University of Maastricht and a bachelor’s degree from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management.
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Mickael Tabart

Mickael Tabart is a Partner at KPMG, with whom he has been for more than 23 years and, since 2006, has specialized in particular in microfinance investment funds. He leads both the Private Equity audit practice and the Assurance sector at KPMG Luxembourg since 2017. Representing the firm in the marketplace, developing PE industry leading strategies and ensuring that clients receive exceptional experience across all service lines while working closely with KPMG’s global and regional sector teams. His involvement in Microfinance includes the audit as engagement partner of funds promoted by the EIB, EIF, Symbiotics, ResponsAbility. He is a member of several technical working groups relating to the investment fund industry. Mickael studied in Belgium (FUcAM), Spain (Complutense) and UK (University of Nottingham and London Business School). He is Réviseur d’Entreprises agréé and expert comptable in Luxembourg.

Members of the Climate Finance Label Eligibility Committee (CFLEC)

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Adina Relicovschi

Ms. Adina RELICOVSCHI is Principal Advisor on Sustainable Finance, Corporate Responsibility Department of the European Investment Bank (EIB) being responsible to revamp the Group’s Corporate Responsibility framework and thereby to prepare it to move forward from the current approach towards a more standardised system as proposed at EU level. She was the Head of Environmental Policy Unit, Projects Directorate of EIB, being the main author of the new EIBG Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework and leading the adoption of sustainable finance as EIBG’s operating model which fully integrates ECS considerations across the Group’s activities and processes and focuses on the management of ECS risks and impacts and on the pursuit of opportunities to generate benefits and/or positive outcomes. Ms Relicovschi has over 30 years of experience in the field of sustainable development and environmental policy from IFIs, United Nations, European Commission, government, private sector and NGO perspectives.
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Anouk Agnes

Anouk Agnes is an independent director with a focus on financial services. She is currently a member of several investment fund and management company boards in Luxembourg.

Until May 2022, Anouk served as Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister of Luxembourg. She joined the Prime Minister’s office after 7 years at ALFI, the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry, where she was the Deputy Director General and the Director for Communications and Business Development. Anouk previously worked as an Advisor to the Minister of Finance, with her main responsibilities targeted at the development of the financial centre. As such, she acted as the Secretary General of the High-level Committee for the Financial Centre, as well as the Deputy Director General of Luxembourg for Finance, the Agency for the development of the financial centre.

Anouk started her career in the area of international development cooperation in the Philippines and in Namibia. She holds Master’s degrees in law (LL.M) and in political science (M.Sc).
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Claudia Dambax

Claudia Dambax is Head of Board Advisory Services, Associate Director at Innpact S.A., a leading impact finance specialist providing advisory and third-party fund management services.
She has in-depth experiences in the fund structuring, (public-private-partnership) funds, operational fund management, fund legal, corporate governance and board advisory. She is experienced with a broad client base from private clients, ultra high-networth individuals to institutional clients, international financial institutions and development finance institutions. Since 2005 she works in the financial services sector at the private sector at an AIFM/Management Company and at European level. She managed UCITS and alternative investments funds (PE/VC, private debt, real estate). Claudia has a hands-on approach and is passionate about achieving positive impact and promoting sustainability. Since 2010 she focusses on the sustainable finance and the impact finance space.
Prior to joining Innpact, Claudia worked for Sal. Oppenheim Asset Management, Deutsche Bank/Deutsche Asset Management and for the European Investment Fund. Claudia studied Human Geography, Business Administration, Urban and Regional Planning at the Free University Berlin (Germany) and Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada), which she combined with Bank Business Administration. In addition, she holds certifications in Sustainable Business Strategy from the Harvard Business School, ESG and Impact Investing and Climate Adaptation Finance from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.
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Claudia Hitaj

Claudia Hitaj is an environmental economist at the Luxembourg Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development. Prior to joining the Ministry, she worked as a research economist at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology and the Economic Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. Claudia has 30+ publications on various topics in energy, environmental, and agricultural economics, including on sustainable finance and renewable power.

Claudia holds a BA in Economics and Mathematics, magna cum laude, from Yale University, an MPhil in Environmental Policy from the University of Cambridge, and a PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of Maryland.
David Suetens

David Suetens

David Suetens is an Independent Director with financial services risk and business understanding with two INED mandates, one as Chair and one as Risk Chair. He was executive vice president and international chief risk officer for State Street Corporation with responsibility for leading the company’s risk management function internationally. Mr. Suetens joined State Street in May 2012 after several senior global positions held at ING Investment Management Europe, ABN AMRO Asset Management and EUROCLEAR. Mr. Suetens holds a Faculty of Law – Juris Doctor from the Catholic University Leuven and a degree in investment advice from St Aloysius University in Brussels. He holds a master’s degree in international banking law and finance from Boston University School of Law.

Members of the Environment Label Eligibility Committee (ENVLEC)

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Alexander Feldmann

Alexander works at Luxembourg’s Environment Agency where he is in charge of coordinating the agencies efforts on sustainable finance. He started his career as procurement manager for wind turbines in the field of renewables. After moving to Luxembourg in 2017, he began working for the most longstanding Luxembourgish initiative on sustainable finance the NGO etika, where he gathered important knowledge about the topic from both the financial sectors and the civil society’s perspectives on the subject. Trying to live up to his values, Alexander forms part of a co-housing and a community shared agricultural project.

Alexander holds an LL.B. in environmental and business law from University of Applied Scienes Trier and a M.A. in economics from Cusanus University of Applied Sciences in Bernkastel-Kues.
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Christina Ehlert

Christina is Head of Programme “Agriculture and Forestry Value Chains” at ADA, with the global objective for small, family-run farms and businesses to secure their economic resources.

Strong focus of her current work is on supporting small-scale producers to plant and manage trees in agroforestry systems and sustainable forest management, with the ultimate objective to develop and strengthen inclusive and sustainable local value chains, and to generate a positive impact on livelihood of vulnerable populations and ecosystems health.

She holds a PhD in plant ecophysiology from SupAgro Montpellier,  a postgraduate certificate in sustainable development and environmental management from the School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) of the University of London and a trinational Master’s degree in Biotechnology from the Upper Rhine Universities in France, Germany and Switzerland.

With a professional experience of >15 years, Christina has developed and implemented solutions to foster sustainable development through agronomic and environmental R&D, environmental policy support and corporate sustainability management.
Laure Chibrac

Laure Chibrac

Laure Wessemius-Chibrac is the Founding Managing Director of the Netherlands Advisory Board on Impact Investing’ (“NAB”), an initiative launched in 2020 by various players of the Dutch financial sector with the goal to scale up impact investments and to create more cooperation within the Dutch impact investing sector. The NAB is part of a global network of National Advisory Boards under the flag of the GSG, the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment. Laure has been the driving force behind the establishment of the Dutch NAB. Before that she was head of Investments at Cordaid, an international NGO and impact investor. Next to her role at the NAB she also has supervisory functions at REGMIFA, a regional investment fund for Sub-Saharan Africa and at SNV Netherlands Development Organisation.

Laure holds a master’s in management Grande Ecole from NEOMA Business School.

Lucien Hoffmann

Lucien Hoffmann

Lucien is director of the Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN) department ( at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). The ambition of the ERIN department is to implement a smart green vision, accelerating innovation towards the sustainable management of natural resources and a circular economy. The ERIN department brings together with its teams made of 200 life, environmental, and IT scientists and engineers, the necessary interdisciplinary knowledge and skills to tackle major environmental challenges our cities are facing today: climate change mitigation, ecosystem resilience, sustainable energy systems, efficient use of renewable resources, environmental pollution prevention and control. Lucien co-authored more than 500 referenced publications and (co-)coordinated 66 research projects since 1989 in environmental sciences and technologies.

Lucien holds a PhD in Biology from the University of Liège.

Simon BUHL

Simon Buhl

Simon Buhl is an Investment Officer at the European Investment Bank (EIB) with more than 15 years experience in the finance and private equity sector. After working several years in corporate finance at DZ PRIVATBANK, he joined the European Investment Fund (EIF) in 2015, focused on primary, secondary and co-investments in private equity, venture capital and private debt funds across Europe. Since 2021, he is focused on investing in infrastructure and climate funds in developing countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia at the EIB.

Simon holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a focus on International Management from FOM Hochschule and an MBA from John F. Welch College of Business at Sacred Heart University. He speaks German, English, French and Italian.

Members of the Green Bond Label Eligibility Committee (GBLEC)

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Giuseppe Corsini

Giuseppe Corsini is Assurance Partner, Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services at PwC Luxembourg. He joined PwC in September 2007 and has held managing positions in the Capital Markets division in London and Audit department in Luxembourg. Giuseppe is initiator and coordinator of the green bond related service offering of PwC Luxembourg, leading the application process with the Climate Bonds Initiative and supporting the PwC network in relation to these services, in particular with China, the UK and Japan.
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Tom Pfeiffer

Tom Pfeiffer is the founder and CEO of Triple Line Advisory S.à r.l. providing sustainability management, governance and advisory services. Before setting up Triple Line Advisory, Tom was an audit Partner and Sustainability Leader at Deloitte with 22 years of experience in audit, accounting and advisory. Tom is a fellow of the Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership and is certified in Sustainability Management. Tom is a member of the “Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs” (ILA) where he is involved in the Sustainability Strategy for Boards working group. Tom is an IDP-C ILA Independent Director in investment fund structures and corporates. Tom is the chair of the Inclusive Finance Network Luxembourg (InFiNe) and, besides being a board member of the European Financial Planning Association, he is the Director of the EFPA Standard & Qualification Committee.

Members of the ESG Label Eligibility Committee (ESGLEC)

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Claudia Hitaj

Claudia Hitaj is an environmental economist at the Luxembourg Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development. Prior to joining the Ministry, she worked as a research economist at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology and the Economic Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. Claudia has 30+ publications on various topics in energy, environmental, and agricultural economics, including on sustainable finance and renewable power.

Claudia holds a BA in Economics and Mathematics, magna cum laude, from Yale University, an MPhil in Environmental Policy from the University of Cambridge, and a PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of Maryland.

Jane Wilkinson

Jane Wilkinson is an experienced independent non-executive director sitting on the Boards of UCITS and Alternative investment funds and is also a recognised sustainable finance expert, being a regular speaker at international conferences as well as adjunct lecturer and course leader of the MSc Sustainable Finance programme of the University of Luxembourg. Her professional experience spans 30+ years, mostly in Luxembourg, where she has “grown up” with the investment management and financial sectors. Prior to going independent in summer 2019, Jane was Head of Sustainable Finance at Luxembourg Stock Exchange, and was also an appointed member of the European Commission’s Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance.
Until early 2017 Jane was a KPMG partner, where she spearheaded the development of KPMG Luxembourg’s alternative investments practice as well as their Sustainability services team, being responsible for sustainability client engagements and also leading KPMG’s internal CSR programme and community engagement programme, including managing the KPMG Foundation.
Throughout her career, Jane has been an active member and/or chair of responsible investment committees and working groups of various Luxembourg and International industry associations including ALFI, LPEA, ILA, ICMA, UNEPFI, EFAMA….
Francois Koulischer

François Koulischer

François Koulischer is a Postdoctoral researcher at the Luxembourg School of Finance (LSF) of the Université du Luxembourg. His research interests include financial intermediation, monetary and macroeconomics and housing finance. Before joining the LSF, he was an economist at the Central Bank of Luxembourg and the Bank of France.

He holds a Ph.D. from the Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
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Guillaume Brousse

Guillaume is Partner at Mazars Luxembourg and is an authorised auditor and qualified Luxembourg “Réviseur d’entreprises agréé”. He has more than 20years of experience in the audit of Luxembourg funds from UCITS to Private Equity. He has been involved in the audit of microfinance and impact funds for more than 10 years and is now leading the ESG service offering for Mazars in Luxembourg on the assurance and regulatory side.

Guillaume is part of the Mazars global sustainable finance team with focus on SFDR and CSRD matters. Guillaume is also member of ALFI and IRE working groups on sustainability related matters.

Guillaume holds a Master degree in audit and control from Skema Business School and is a certified expert in microfinance from the Frankfurt School of Finance.

Kenny Panjanaden

Kenny Panjanaden

Kenny is a Director at PwC Luxembourg where he is an active member of the Sustainable Finance Working Group on top of leading the internal TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) initiatives. On this topic, he has led several discussions with various stakeholders (regulator, government, industry associations and players from different industries) in a bid to create awareness in the Luxembourgish marketplace, as one of the pioneers in the early days of the Task Force. He is a fellow member of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants in the United Kingdom and is a Réviseur d’Entreprises in Luxembourg. On top of his Sustainable Finance and ESG responsibilities, Kenny manages a large portfolio of clients from the Asset Management Industry. Kenny speaks French, English and gladly converses casually in German on top of his mother tongue, Mauritian Creole.
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Nathalie Dogniez

Nathalie Dogniez is an independent director, with more than 30 years of experience in the financial and asset management sector. She joined the Directors Office as a partner on 1 July 2023. Prior to that, she has been working for big four firms, in auditor and advisor capacities, since 1989. She has been focusing on ESG and sustainability investment over the past 2 decades, advising managers on how to implement ESG matters and regulations. She has also been contributing to the framing of the ESG industry through her involvement in (or leadership of) key ESG working groups in Luxembourg and at European level. She has been leading PwC European ESG practice for asset management and led a major ESG data driven technology project.

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Sebastiaan Hooghiemstra

Dr. Sebastiaan Hooghiemstra is a senior associate and member of the investment management practice of Loyens & Loeff. He assists assets managers, fund promoters and institutional investors with the structuring and setting up of Luxembourg regulated and unregulated (alternative) investment fund structures. He has a strong background in financial regulatory law and advises fund/asset managers, distributors and other financial institutions on various fund-related regulatory matters, including but not limited to licensing aspects, M&A transactions involving licensed institutions, anti-money laundering, sustainable finance and DLT aspects.
Sebastiaan is a Senior Research Fellow and lecturer on investment fund regulation at the Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

He regularly speaks at conferences and frequently publishes on investment fund law topics, including, amongst others, the following books:
• Depositaries in European Investment Law – Towards Harmonization in Europe (Eleven International Publishing 2018);
• Koersen door de Wet op het financieel toezicht – Deel III – Beleggingsinstellingen en icbe’s (BJU 2020); and as a co-author
• The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive – European Regulation of Alternative Investment Funds (Kluwer 2012/2015/2020).
He is also the author of the Luxembourg Fund Law Compendium (Legitech 2021) and a regular contributor to AGEFI Luxembourg.

Sebastiaan has advised over the past 12 years various public institutions on policy issues related to financial regulatory law including: the European Commission, EIOPA, ESMA, the Liechtenstein government and Financial Market Authority, the Dutch Ministry of Finance and the Dutch Financial Market Authority.
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Stéphane Badey

Stéphane Badey is a Partner at Arendt. Stéphane started his career in 1998 in the consulting practice of a Big Four company where he acquired extensive experience in regulatory and compliance matters in the fund management industry, before joining a leading asset servicing bank where he became Director Compliance Europe. He specialises in anti-money laundering regulations and advises clients on all aspects relating to their AML/KYC framework. Stéphane also has a particular interest in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters, especially on sustainability-related financial and regulatory aspects. He is an active member of ALFI, LPEA and EFAMA working groups on AML and ESG.

Stéphane holds a Master’s degree in Private Law from the University of Burgundy, Dijon, and a DEA in Comparative Law from the same university. He also holds a Diploma in Legal Studies from the University of Manchester. Furthermore, Stéphane completed the Cours complémentaires en droit luxembourgeois.
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Tom Pfeiffer

Tom Pfeiffer is the founder and CEO of Triple Line Advisory S.à r.l. providing sustainability management, governance and advisory services. Before setting up Triple Line Advisory, Tom was an audit Partner and Sustainability Leader at Deloitte with 22 years of experience in audit, accounting and advisory. Tom is a fellow of the Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership and is certified in Sustainability Management. Tom is a member of the “Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs” (ILA) where he is involved in the Sustainability Strategy for Boards working group. Tom is an IDP-C ILA Independent Director in investment fund structures and corporates. Tom is the chair of the Inclusive Finance Network Luxembourg (InFiNe) and, besides being a board member of the European Financial Planning Association, he is the Director of the EFPA Standard & Qualification Committee.

Members of the ESG Insurance Product Label Eligibility Committee (ESGIPLEC)


Anthony Dault

Anthony Dault is a Partner at PwC Luxembourg and is primarily specialized in the (re)insurance industry. He splits his time between assurance audit assignments as well as regulatory and compliance advisory mandates in that field. He has participated in the development of the regulatory practice with a dedicated Insurance Regulatory Services proposition to meet insurance undertakings needs for both existing players and prospective entrants. He is representative for the Insurance sector in PwC Luxembourg within the ESG / SF field and is also a member of several internal Focus Groups (e.g. IDD, Anti-Money Laundering, PRIIPS, ESG), as well as several working groups at the Luxembourg (re)insurers’ professional association (“ACA”). Furthermore, Anthony is a regular speaker at conferences in the insurance industry.
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Florence Buron

Florence Buron is a Partner at Palana Services where she is leading the Regulatory Reporting Services and Operations for clients being Life Insurers, Asset Managers and Asset Servicers. This covers regulatory matters such as PRIIPs & UCITS KIIDs, ESG reporting (SFDR, SDR, PAI statement), etc. Florence has more than 30 years of experience in the financial industry (banking, insurance, investment funds), mainly in project management, operations, and new services / product launch. Florence is a Member of ALFI, ACA and FinDatEx working groups covering different regulatory matters (PRIIPS, SFDR, IDD, etc.).
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Hadrien Bertrand

Hadrien holds a Master 2 in Finance and started as a financial auditor at PwC in Luxembourg in 2010. He joined the insurance sector in 2013 and worked in particular in the Finance and Compliance departments of life and non-life insurance companies. Hadrien joined ACA as Economic advisor in 2019 and is in charge of the Finance, Private Equity, SFDR, IFRS 17, Custodian Bank Reporting, Statistics, and Solvency II working groups.
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Helena Finn

Helena advises on insurance and reinsurance regulatory matters (including with respect to M&A, Solvency II, IDD, licensing requirements, governance issues and ESG), assisting life and non-life insurers, reinsurers and intermediaries. She is also an expert in anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing matters (advisory and regulatory enforcement), as well as matters relating to the register of beneficial owners and the register of trusts and fiducies. Helena also advises on general regulatory matters in the banking and financial sector, focusing on licensing requirements and M&A.  She regularly holds conferences on various regulatory related topics in Luxembourg and is a member of working groups at Luxembourg level (Association des Compagnies d’Assurance – ACA in particular). Helena regularly publishes articles on regulatory topics (anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing in particular). Helena is a core member of the firm’s ESG working group. She regularly shares her ESG expertise with various associations and clients.

Prior to joining Allen & Overy in 2022, Helena worked for nearly 8 years in another Luxembourg law firm, advising on general regulatory matters in both the insurance & reinsurance and banking & financial sectors.

Dr Peter J. Mathis

Dr Peter J. Mathis is a Research Scientist for Sustainable Finance at the Department of Finance. He is interested in investment management, asset pricing, corporate finance and especially the interaction of these fields with ESG. In addition, he is CEO and owner of M Capital Advisors S.A. Luxemburg, an independent research and consulting company specialising in asset management, with a focus on liquid assets including Hedge Funds and on the valuation of illiquid assets, the analysis of cost of capital and risk management for these assets. Dr Peter J. Mathis has an international experience in the industry as Chief Investment Officer and Managing Director, working for Hedge Funds, Institutional Investment Management, Private Banking and Family Offices. He spent his academic life doing research and teaching at the Universität des Saarlandes/Germany and as Horstmann Fellow at Indiana University (USA) and holds a doctorate in Financial Economics.

Members of the ESG Discretionary Mandate Label Eligibility Committee (ESGDMLEC)

David Suetens

David Suetens

David Suetens is an Independent Director with financial services risk and business understanding with two INED mandates, one as Chair and one as Risk Chair. He was executive vice president and international chief risk officer for State Street Corporation with responsibility for leading the company’s risk management function internationally. Mr. Suetens joined State Street in May 2012 after several senior global positions held at ING Investment Management Europe, ABN AMRO Asset Management and EUROCLEAR.

Mr. Suetens holds a Faculty of Law – Juris Doctor from the Catholic University Leuven and a degree in investment advice from St Aloysius University in Brussels. He holds a master’s degree in international banking law and finance from Boston University School of Law.
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Francesca Messini

Francesca is the Chief Risk Officer and Authorised Manager of FundBank (Europe) S.A. (under application process for a EU banking license). Francesca has 20 years of experience in the financial sector and strategy advisory & consulting sector: she has covered leadership roles in the regulatory & compliance, sustainability, fintech, foundation fields. Additionally Francesca plays an active role in the local financial ecosystem, being members of local associations’ committees and working groups.
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Julien Froumouth

Julien is Sustainable Finance Adviser at the Luxembourg Bankers Association (ABBL) since 2020, in charge of the ABBL sustainable finance strategy which aims to support ABBL members in adapting to new regulatory requirements and deploying solutions across sustainable investment, financing and advisory services.
He started as a consultant in the financial advisory services at Deloitte Luxembourg in 2006. In 2015, he joined the Luxembourg Stock Exchange as head of Business Project Management. In this position, he has coordinated various strategic initiatives, and more specifically he actively contributed to the launch of the Luxembourg Green Exchange, the world’s leading platform for sustainable securities. He has been also responsible for regulatory projects in the private banking division of a Swiss Bank.
He is a member of several European working groups on sustainable finance, also publishing articles or speaking at conferences on the topic.

Julien has a Master’s degree from Toulouse Business School (France) and he is certified in responsible investing by PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) and in sustainable finance by the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Dr Peter J. Mathis

Dr Peter J. Mathis is a Research Scientist for Sustainable Finance at the Department of Finance. He is interested in investment management, asset pricing, corporate finance and especially the interaction of these fields with ESG. In addition, he is CEO and owner of M Capital Advisors S.A. Luxemburg, an independent research and consulting company specialising in asset management, with a focus on liquid assets including Hedge Funds and on the valuation of illiquid assets, the analysis of cost of capital and risk management for these assets. Dr Peter J. Mathis has an international experience in the industry as Chief Investment Officer and Managing Director, working for Hedge Funds, Institutional Investment Management, Private Banking and Family Offices. He spent his academic life doing research and teaching at the Universität des Saarlandes/Germany and as Horstmann Fellow at Indiana University (USA) and holds a doctorate in Financial Economics.
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