Climate Finance

The main objective of the LuxFLAG Climate Finance Label is to reassure investors that the investment product invests at least 75% of total assets in related investments, with a clear and direct link to climate change mitigation and/or adaptation or cross-cutting activities.

Launched in September 2016, the LuxFLAG Climate Finance label makes it possible to unlock capital from private and institutional investors to support the financing of actions that have an impact on climate change.

Application Cycle
Application Session Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Application submission deadline 31 Dec. 31 Mar. 30 Jun. 30 Sept.
Sample selection / evidence collection 25 Jan.* 25 Apr.* 25 Jul. * 25 Oct. *
LuxFLAG Team review  and

Management review

Jan. – early Mar. Apr. – early Jun. Jul. -early Sept. Oct. – early Dec.
LuxFLAG Eligibility Committee review Early / Mid Mar. Early / Mid Jun. Early / Mid Sept. Early / Mid Dec.
LuxFLAG Board review End Mar. End Jun. End Sept. End Dec.
Communication of decision 29th Mar. 29th Jun. 29th Sept. 21st Dec.

*The sample selection can only be conducted by 25th Jan./Apr./July/Oct. if the application package has been provided in due time. Otherwise the sample selection will be treated on a best effort basis.


If you have any questions regarding the label application, please send a mail here