In Q2 2024 LuxFLAG labels 5 new investment products for a total of 278 financial products labelled by LuxFLAG

In Q2 2024 LuxFLAG labels 5 new investment products for a total of 278 financial products labelled by LuxFLAG

The Luxembourg Finance Labelling Agency (LuxFLAG) is pleased to announce that 5 new investment products have been granted the use of a LuxFLAG Label, for a total of 278 labelled investment and insurance products, with €131.99 billion of assets under management in Q2 2024.

The newly labelled investment products are*:

  • Commodity Value Chain Sustainable Investment Sub-Fund
  • Schelcher Global Yield 2028
  • Schelcher European Bank Bonds 2028
  • Trill Impact- DWM SDGs Credit Fund

The fund which was granted the use of the LuxFLAG Applicant Fund Status is:

  • Clean H2 Equipment Fund

* Please note that the list might not be exhaustive

The full list of LuxFLAG labelled investment and insurance products is available on the LuxFLAG website. 

These investment and insurance products are domiciled in seven jurisdictions viz. Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Switzerland.

LuxFLAG Labels are valid for a period of twelve months and are subject to renewal on expiry.

The press release can also be downloaded here.

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