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Why ‘green’ and ‘good’ funds are growing – Delano Live Chat with Denise Voss, Chairwoman of LuxFLAG

Sustainable and responsible investment funds are a relatively small but flourishing part of the financial sector.

And the category is promising. Investors placed €54.6bn in European sustainable funds during the second quarter of 2020, up from €26bn the previous quarter, according to the research firm Morningstar.


Denise Voss, chairwoman of LuxFLAG, an outfit that checks fund managers’ sustainable and responsible investing claims, will address that question during this Delano Live Chat.

Voss will demystify “ESG”, discuss the new EU sustainable finance taxonomy, and explain why the sector is becoming increasingly important to the Luxembourg fund industry. Plus she will provide a preview of Luxflag’s upcoming conference.

In addition to chairing Luxflag, Voss is an independent board director. She previously chaired the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry and served as a conducting officer for Franklin Templeton in Luxembourg.

Voss will speak with Delano’s Aaron Grunwald and also take audience questions.

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